Faust Ramiel.

Faust is a DnD oc, a Warlock:Fiend Mephistopheles Tiefling.

They admittedly came from my love of a certain character... but turned into a genuine character that I grew to like.

Some Extras:

  • Favourite Spell: Chill Touch.
  • Main Magic Type: Necromancy.
  • Background: Inheritor, formerly Urchin.


  • Name: Dante Ramiel Faust
  • Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary - They/Them He/Him
  • Age: Adult
  • Likes: Necromancy, Infernals, Their patron.
  • Dislikes: Rich people.
  • Alignment: Neutral.
  • Trivia: They have proficiency in wind instruments and possess the Pipes of Haunting.

  • An 88x31 button of the pansexual flag

Image of a tiefling.

Born to a poor family and quickly left an orphan, Faust, at the time going by their virtue name - Dante - would longingly watch the members of 'higher' society enjoying all the things their gold could get them, as if it was nothing and life was so easy. Being from Athkatla, Faust was no stranger to seeing currency exchanging from hand after hand after hand, yet they'd never get anything more than a couple of coins for begging or panhandling. Being a tiefling child also didn't help, with tieflings still being generally shunned, unless they had enough coin for that to be overlooked. No one wanted a tiefling urchin child scrambling around to survive out in the open where anyone could see.

They turned to any god or deity that would listen, but no help or guidance ever came.

When Faust reached young adulthood, they learned that they still had extended family, family that had cut their parents out of money and valuables left in a will and owed by tradition. That their bloodline had all been wizards, sorcerers and arcanists; settling in their niche along the underside of the Cowled Wizards - who had become nothing more than arcane mercenaries in the 14th to 15th Century.

Angered and upset by this new knowledge, that their life could have been at least a little bit easier and safer, angry at how there was lack of balance, lack of equality or even protection for them, they turned to their bloodline. If no god or deity would come to them, maybe a devil would. Any price was worth the restoration of what should have been rightfully theirs, what should rightfully be for everyone instead of the ultra rich that hoarded more than a bronze dragon's worth.

But it was less out of selfishness and more out of altruism, so no devil would come either. Disinterested in the hope for better lives for those that had to suffer for the 'crime' of being poor. Until one day, a man had approached them, charming and with a poem about Birds of Prey, how they feel safe above all the other birds. Waiting until they see weakness to strike, taking what they want while keeping others down. Delighting in their greed. Uncaring. Oppressive. Greedy.

The man transformed into a cambion, several feet taller, wingspan wide and four horns looking like a crown. He'd help. The transaction would mean that he'd be Faust's patron, giving them the magic their bloodline promised and the ability to use it to get their dues, the cost would be the souls of the extended family that had witheld so much from them. Left Faust's parents to die for their own gain. Faust would get what belonged to their parents back, to do what they wanted with and the souls would be turned into a silver palm sized infernal metal round bell, decorated with filigree but containing no clapper

If the bell should ring, the souls would be released and the pact broken. Faust's soul, magic and wealth would belong to the cambion. To do with as he pleased.

Using the new fiendish magic, Faust did indeed get back what they were owed, but kept none of the excess wealth. They took what they needed and redistributed the rest anonymously, keeping the bell sequestered away. Faust serves their patron willingly, only seeking to balance the scales.

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